Geert Groote College Amsterdam
Fred. Roeskestraat 84
1076 ED Amsterdam

020 574 5830

100 jaar Waldorf onderwijs

100 jaar ‘Waldorf’ onderwijs

In 2019 bestond het Waldorf onderwijs 100 jaar. Ter gelegenheid daarvan zijn onderstaande films gemaakt, waarin kwaliteiten en aspecten van het onderwijs aan bod komen, en betrokkenen vanuit de hele wereld aan het woord komen.

Learn to change the world, part 1:

The film “Learn to Change the World” shows people from around the world who work on the big pedagogical tasks of our time based on Waldorf/Steiner pedagogy. It is the first of more to come which aim to show concrete approaches to these tasks.

Learn to change the world, part 2:

After the great success of part 1 of our film “Learn to Change the World”, the second part deals with encounter, engagement and inclusion: learning that goes beyond merely accumulating information can be understood as an individual way to seek the truth. One focus is the encounter across social, religious and ethnic barriers, as exemplified by the Oakland Community School for Creative Education, located in a social focus point in California, a Jewish-Arabic Kindergarten and the Parzival School Center in Karlsruhe.


“Becoming” is the third film in a series of short films produced on the occasion of the centenary of Waldorf Education under the direction of the award-winning Californian documentary filmmaker Paul Zehrer, and which provide an insight into the inclusive diversity of Waldorf Education under the most diverse cultural, social, religious and economic conditions around the globe.


Wereldwijd zijn er meer dan 1200 ‘Waldorf’ of ‘Steiner Schools’, in Europa zijn dat er bijna 780.